Today's Picks
While not your typical poker related story, I found this interesting. Apparently advertisements were distributed in Ireland for a book and in that advert, the Last Supper painting depicts Jesus and his guests playing poker. Talk about pressure at the table.
Bookmaker blasted over 'Last Supper' ad
Bookmaker blasted over 'Last Supper' ad
Like your page my friend.
Adam Hunter
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:19 PM
American Politics are Killing Progress
Major issues are being ignored, as a conflicted public bickers. Those of us who have not grown completely apathetic to our republic's politics, spar about war in Iraq, our government's response to natural ...
Great blog! Could you use extra material? I have stuff on things like cooking for two for example. You're welcome to use anything you want.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:20 PM